Thursday, March 28, 2013

So many State Parks to Explore

Minnesota is full of a lot of great things: a great local music scene in Minneapolis/St. Paul, great craft beers (hello Surly!) and a great State Parks system with a variety of educational programs and hiking trails. As an amateur photographer I wanted to give myself a challenge and decided capturing images of all of Minnesota's State Parks would be a good place to start.

Growing up, I spent a lot of time in the outdoors with my family during our weekend camping trips. As an adult, whether it's been taking a road trip to Glacier National Park or spending a year in New Zealand, I've always felt the need to be connected with the outdoors and nature. Whenever things got stressful in Wellington, I'd ask my friend to take me 4 hours away to see Mount Taranaki (Mt. Egmont) for a relaxing weekend (pictured below.)

This photography challenge is a way for me to combine my love of nature with my desire to work on my photography skills. I'm hoping that those I love will join me on this journey and it will lead to a lot of fun road trips and adventures together.

I'd like to capture images throughout the year, in order to show the wonderful range of seasons we have here in Minnesota. It's really something to appreciate.